What Happened to Ronald Jenkees? (Music)

*UPDATE* Ronald has just released his first single off his new album. Click here to check it out.

Ronald Jenkees hails from Kentucky, speaks in a geeky high pitched Southern drawl and has a penchant for wearing both coke bottle glasses and funky hats. He also plays an amazing keyboard, and started a youtube channel a few years back featuring simple home made videos of himself rocking out. This simple formula of self-distribution via youtube, circumventing the usual corporate model (the same method that MdotStrange employed) seems to have worked for Jenkees. He went on to produce music for folks like Timbaland. That was 2 years ago – so where has he disappeared to? Well, rest assured, he has been diligently working on a third CD, and has released a snippet of it, hear it below, followed by 3 of the classic tracks that helped launch his career.

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